Life struggles
When we start to learn something new, our commitment and dedication stays at a very high level. However, after digging deep into the topic, our enthusiasm starts to decline rapidly, and we stop pursing the goal that we wanted to achieve in the first place. Don’t worry too much because of this, because it is a very common phenomenon among many people to feel depressed, sad, or thinking yourself as useless. The only difference between people who was successful in their task is only because they did not stop trying.

Everyone goes through a phrase where everything seems to be going wrong, and nothing is making sense. That’s when you should realize you are going though the most critical part of the roadmap. That is where most of the people fall off. In this phase, you should keep calm and try to take a different approach for solving your problem. You can even take some time off from the mechanical life we have to go out doing what you love to do the most. That’s what I try to do every time when I feel like my brain is jammed. Is it the most effective way of doing things? No. Does it help to reduce the stress level? Absolutely.
You should always remember that our consciousness is what makes us different from other living beings. Doing the things you might not like but you do it anyways -because you must be is called discipline. Life is not a fairy tale where there would be a happy ending every time. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
One thing you should always remember that — There is no definition of the word “PERFECT”. We all have flaws within us, and it’s perfectly normal. Don’t lose your sanity and consciousness while trying to change the world.